Egypt: There will be Peace; just not today


The Sun comes up in the morning and some things are different and other things remain the same.

There is turmoil in Egypt today…tell me something I didn’t already know.

The Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth still sits on the throne and his Word is true and trustworthy as always.

The country of Egypt like so many of the Arab and Islamic led countries are in turmoil.

The Bible tells us what the end of the ‘Arab Spring’ will be and they would bet their last pyramid that it would never happen, but God will do what He has said He will do.

The turmoil and war and chaos will end some day and there will be peace; just not today.

God will wait until the foolishness of man has run its course, and the enemy (the red guy with the horns and the pitchfork) has had his last go at taking over.

red devil 2

Egypt is a big player in Bible prophecy and they are trying to become a big player on the world scene too, but the direction they are going in right now will change dramatically in the end.

Isaiah 19: 19 “In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord, (that’s the Jewish and Christian God, the One who rules the heavens.) in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border there to the Lord”

Isaiah 19:21 “And the Lord (that’s the Jewish and Christian God.) shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians, shall know the Lord, (that’s the Jewish and Christian God.) in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yes they shall vow a vow unto the Lord, and perform it.”

Isaiah 19: 22 “And the Lord shall smite Egypt: He shall smite and heal it.”

The true and only God will bring judgment to Egypt and then He will heal them and those who remain will find their hope and trust in Him.

It will be a shocking turn of events, but the time is not ready yet for that to happen.

Other things will change over there and things will grow worse and the persecution of the Jews and Christians will reach an unprecedented level before judgment falls.

Below is an article about some of the recent happenings over in the country of Pharaohs and pyramids.

I took the article from the Rapture Ready news site.

Clay Writer


Mohamed Morsi declares emergency in three Egyptian cities

State of emergency and curfews announced for Port Said, Ismailiya and Suez in response to wave of political violence

Mohamed Morsi

Egypt’s president Mohamed Morsi gives a television address in which he declared a state of emergency in three Suez Canal cities. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

President Mohamed Morsi has announced a state of emergency in three cities near Egypt‘s Suez Canal, following four days of civil unrest that have left at least 40 dead and over 500 injured.

Port Said, Suez, and Ismailiya – the cities most affected by the violence – will be subject to a 30-day curfew lasting from 9pm to 6am every night, Morsi said in a surprise televised speech.

Speaking to the Guardian, a spokesman for the opposition expressed frustration at the announcement, blaming the president’s policies and inaction for the violence, and arguing that the state of emergency was too little, too late.

Since Thursday, hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in 12 of the country’s 21 provinces, to protest against the Islamist president, the Muslim Brotherhood, and police brutality – exactly two years after the start of the Egyptian revolution.

On Saturday, the government lost control of Port Said, a coastal city on the Mediterranean, when hardcore football fans rioted in protest at being scapegoated, as they saw it, by security forces for the massacre of over 70 Cairene supporters at a football match in February 2012.

Thirty-seven people died as rioters tried to invade a prison and several police buildings. The situation was inflamed once more on Sunday as police disrupted a funeral march for those killed the day before – sparking yet more upheaval.

“We think the president is totally responsible for the conflict,” said Khaled Daoud, a spokesman for the National Salvation Front, a disparate collection of liberal and leftist parties opposed to Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood.

“Almost all over Egypt you’re seeing dissatisfaction about the policies of the president,” Daoud said. “He only cares about the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Daoud also argued that the violence – particularly in Port Said, which was sparked by the long-awaited decision to sentence to death 21 local football fans – was entirely predictable, and therefore very preventable.

Yet as violence broke out last week, Morsi was slow to react publicly, until today. “When the bloodshed happened on [Friday], all the president did was tweet,” said Daoud.

Others felt that Morsi had been placed in a difficult position.

According to Elijah Zarwan, a Cairo-based analyst at the European Council for Foreign Relations, the decision to declare a state of emergency certainly risks “inflaming the situation further – blood calls for blood.”

Yet the other routes available to Morsi also had their problems, Zarwan told the Guardian.

Instead of calling a state of emergency, Morsi might have placated the Port Said football ultras by involving himself in their court case.

But Zarwan said: “Any political approach he might take to calm the situation in Port Said would risk infuriating a constituency he can ill afford to infuriate, be it football ultras in Cairo, the judiciary, or the police.”

About Clay Writer

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2 Responses to Egypt: There will be Peace; just not today

  1. coffeediva says:

    It’s sad and frightening to watch what’s going on in Egypt but will also be interesting to watch Biblical prophecy come to pass. Thank you for this very informative article.

    • ddclaywriter says:

      Yes it is. There is tragedy going on over there that most people have no idea or information about. It’s really sad the inhumanity of man over there. In our own country too of course, but the news has painted the picture that they are going through some nice changes and everything will be nice and comfy cozy soon.
      Not so much!
      Thanks for reading.

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